Set in the scenic Sila plateau in Italy’s Southern Calabria region, “Home Education” revolves around a family that are followers of an esoteric cult and live in a secluded house deep in the woods....
The true story of Toni Jo Henry, a woman tried for the crime of murder in 1942 in the state of Louisiana. Toni Jo, a product of childhood abuse and neglect, briefly discovers love and happiness that soon turns to despair when her husband Cowboy is sent to prison and she embarks on an ill-fated plan with an accomplice Arkie to free him....
David(杰森·苏戴奇斯 Jason Sudeikis 饰)是丹佛的毒贩子,生活过得有滋有味。一个夜里,和David住在同一个公寓的十八岁男孩Kenny(威尔·保尔特 Will Poulter 饰)看见一个流浪女孩正被人勒索,便出手相助。David不忍心看到Kenny被小混混们欺负,也加入战局,无奈寡不敌众,救人不成反而全副身家被抢走。原本已负债累累的David只能接受他的老板交给他的一个任务——去墨西哥运一批大麻回美国。为了掩人耳目,David找来同住同一座公寓的脱衣女郎Rose(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)、Kenny还有那个流浪女孩Casey(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)假冒米勒一家,开着一辆房车直奔墨西哥而去。这冒牌家庭在一路上历经艰辛,能否顺利将毒品运输回国?...